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Davington Primary School

Faversham, Kent


Davington Primary School follows the Local Authority (KCC) Admissions Policy.

We have one intake each year, at the start of the Autumn Term. Reception pupils are normally admitted to school in the September following their 4th birthday. Prospective parents are most welcome to make an appointment to look around our school or to visit on an Open Morning, these will be on a small group basis.  Parents will be given a tour of the school and meet our Headteacher, Mr Saint. 

We have the following tours available, please contact the school office to book a place:

Thursday 26th September - 9.30am

Wednesday 23rd October - 9.30am

Monday 25th November - 9.30am

Parents are required to complete an RCAF form in the Autumn of the year before the child starts school for entry into Reception class the following September. This form invites parents to express three primary school preferences in priority order. Places are allocated in the Spring, letters offering places will be sent to parents by the Local Authority. Following this stage, parents are given the option to appeal if their choices have not been met. At Davington Primary School we have a maximum intake of 60 children into Reception classes each year.

Whenever the school is oversubscribed, the following admissions criteria will be applied in accordance with the KCC Admissions Policy:

1. Children in Local Authority Care
2. Current Family Association – a brother or sister currently on roll at the school at the time of entry
3. Health and Special Access Reasons - children whose health or physical impairment means they have to attend a particular school
4. Geographical (nearness of child to home and access to the school)
For further information on the Primary Admissions process can be found on the KCC Website.
If you are unhappy with the school place you've been offered, you can appeal for any of the schools you named in your application.  Further information regarding the appeals process can be found on the KCC website.

Applying for and choosing schools if your child has SEND

Should you have any concerns or wish to discuss our SEN provision please contact Mrs Davison via the school office.  Our SEND Policy is available to read or download.  If you are applying for a school place for a child with SEND, further information is available on the KCC website.


In-Year Admissions

We also welcome in-year ‘casual’ admission applications throughout the academic year.  If your child is at primary, infant or junior school and you want to move them to a different school, you need to apply using an In-year Casual Admissions Form.  The IYCAF is available to download below. Completed forms can be returned directly to the school or to KCC Admissions.   Parents/Carers are invited to make an appointment to visit the school for an informal meeting and tour in the first instance.

Should we have a place available an offer can be made if:

  • we have all the information they need
  • your child meets the entry requirements
  • no other child has a higher priority for the place.

If you apply for an in year admission but we are not able to offer a place you can:

If you would like to view or print a copy of Primary Schools co-ordinated admissions scheme booklet you can click on the link below or go to the Kent County Council website

Further information regarding the in-year admission process can be found on the KCC website.

Admissions and Transport Team
Room 2.24, Sessions House
County Hall
Maidstone ME14 1XQ

Tel:  03000 41 21 21


For online admissions queries: